152. Trust

It's been long since I gave a bonus chapter, right??

So here it is....enjoy it....

Kushi's POV......................

It's been three days, I didn't even saw Jai and hear anything what he wants to say to me. But like he said he didn't give up trying to make me listen. He is calling me, messaging me and he even coming to home daily.

Sometimes I feel like I'm over reacting, but sometimes I feel like I react in the correct way. I don't know what really happened to him to hug another girl over me. I know he loves me, and I don't have any doubt about it not even 1% also.

But still I'm behaving like this. Sometimes I wonder what really happening with me. After locking myself in room, my health turned worst. I'm continuously throwing up, I'm not able to digest anything, I had a severe headache. And I even feeling dizzy sometimes.