We Are Pregnant ❤️❤️

Jai's POV..................

As usual Kushi didn't listened to me and didn't opened her door for me, sighing and feeling dejected I walked out of Raj mansion. Everyone tried to stop me for breakfast but I less cared about it. I just don't feel like eating, from the day kushi started giving me cold shoulder. I'm not feeling any appetite, I just want to hold her in my arms only that can fill my heart.

Without listening to anyone, I sat in car as I drive to my office. This has been taking so much troll on me, after driving fo some time, I stop the car at a side. I bang my hands on steering wheel hardly, screaming out loud till my lungs felt need of some air, I leaned on my head on it. Crying over my lose of kushi, my heart is paining a lot that I can't even put them in words.

My heart started feeling empty, empty for her, for my Kushi. What should I have to do, for her to listen to me. To give me a single chance, don't I deserve a single chance.