I am a vampire

Elizabeth's POV

after coming home I worked on my portfolio and in the evening I went to academy.

I was practicing thats when Sam came ..I stopped when I saw him..

" you should not stop like this in between." he said

" sorry " I said and started dancing again...

after two hours of practice i was packing my stuff..I was silent today..usually I am the one who keeps on talking constantly..and he just answer in one or two words.

" are you alright?" he asked..

" yes yes absolutely."

" you don't look like.."

"no its nothing.." saying that I started walking out of the hall...we both entered the elevator..but before I could press the button he pressed it and took me to the roof top..

" what are you doing why are we here.."

" come" he said and pulled me out of the elevator.." you need fresh air.."

ya he is right I need some air..we were sitting there.. quietly and thats when he got a call..he excused himself, I was just sitting on the floor and enjoying the view..thats when he came and placed pizza and coke in front of me..

I was surprised..I looked at him and asked.

" whats this"

" a little treat to my student..because you improved very well and I am sure you will get selected in next round."

I smiled and asked " you got to know about the date."

" yup "

" so will you be there....I mean I would like if you come to see my performance....I mean if you are free otherwise its ok.."

" I am sorry I have some work that day.."

" ohh ok .." I said and nodded..I felt bad when he said that..but its ok I mean of course he is a busy person..forget it I don't care , I thought and started eating pizza..

after eating we both were just sitting there..doing nothing..

" so now tell me whats bothering you.." he asked..

what how does he know I am not in a good mood..

" humm"

" you are lost somewhere today..you are never like this.."

" its nothing ..I am just tensed about the elimination "..

" don't worry you will do well.."..saying that he got up and gave me his hand ...I took it and stood up..

" mind to dance with me.." he asked..

" what...I mean I am not very good at the routine and I.."

" come on just tell me what is your favorite "

is he really the same vampire or its his twin brother..

I brushed my thoughts and replied..

" well right now I would prefer waltz."

he looked at me and asked " Waltz ? are you sure?"

I nodded ...he played the music on his cellphone and we started off with the basic steps..

as he hold my hand something happened to me.

" why waltz " he asked while dancing..

I brought myself from my thoughts, looked at him and replied.." I just love this since I was a kid. ..I mean ..ok no offense but I am bit old fashioned when it comes to ballroom dancing.."

" well I am impressed and let me tell you even my taste is same when it comes to ballroom dancing."

I chuckled and replied.." you know I always wished I would have born in 18th century where they use to conduct several ball's "

" what?" saying that he chuckled...

and I stopped dancing because I have never seen a smile this bright..I was just looking at him and was lost....but I brought myself back and said..

" Ohh my God you just smiled"

he was surprised to hear that..and knitted his eyebrows..

" I mean this is the first time I saw you smiling thats why I....I am sorry.."

"do you really think I am a vampire " he asked.

" are you not " I asked and giggled..

he shook his head and said " you are impossible "

" what ? why?"

" ok jokes apart..but there won't be any girl in today's world who would want to born in 18th century trust me.."

we started dancing again and I said " ya but I have told you right that I am bit old fashioned..I mean those were the days when people actually enjoyed ball's and in today's generation ballroom has become a party theme.. those were the days when people actually enjoyed dancing enjoyed social gatherings .."..

I was saying all this from my heart and I saw him smiling again.. so I asked..

" What?"

he chuckled and said.." let me guess..you are fan of Shakespeare "

I smiled and nodded..

" so which one is your favorite poem " he asked..

" Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

he smiled widely and asked.." do you know it"

I looked at him smiled and said

"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate:

Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,

And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;

Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,

And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;

And every fair from fair sometime declines,"

I paused for two seconds but then he started saying and I joined him.

"By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm'd;

But thy eternal summer shall not fade,"

Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;

Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,

When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,

 So long lives this, and this gives life to thee."

we were lost in eachother. but I came back to my sense. and asked..

" so you are a fan too ha?

" yes but now I don't read much.."

" why not?.." I asked..

" busy with my work.."

I nodded and then looked at my watch..and said.." ohh God its midnight..its late we should probably leave.."

he nodded we took our belongings and entered the elevator..

" so you got your car.."

" I don't have a car"

" ok no worries i will drop you.."

" no its ok I will take a cab.."

" get in the car Betty " he ordered me.

I shut my mouth and got in his car...I told him my address and he took me there..

" thank you so much Sam.."

" thanks to you too" he said..

I chuckled and said " I thanked you because you dropped me"

" and I thanked you because I had a wonderful time after ages.." as he said that we had an eye lock

I separated myself from it and said " indeed it was ..its the first time we actully talked to eachother."

he nodded and looked at me

" I am sorry I should leave good night.."

" good night " he replied..

I got down from his car and directly walked inside the building.

whats happening to me, I am acting as if I am a teenager...stop your thoughts Betty you already have Jake in your life ..I cursed myself and slept off.
