Smile looks good

Samuel's POV

I got busy with the new project..but I never forget to visit Academy..well Betty has improved a lot lately...but today she was not looking happy....I don't now why but looking at her my heart I thought of doing something for her..well I have never done something like this before for any one but I guess she can be my friend. let me tell you, this was the best time I spent with her.... I got to know few things about her, she is really a very nice girl..

Days passed we started talking to each other like friends..but I make sure I don't involve myself much. Tomorrow is her elimination round and she is very nervous for that..

" I am very nervous about my duet performance Sam..I don't know if I can do it right."

" don't worry Betty you will do it ..come let's practice it.."

" you will do it with me..are you serious.." she asked..

" yes " I replied ...she is performing salsa in he duet..and I really want to know how good she is at it..

so we took our position and started performing, there was a lift in her choreography so I hold her waist and carried her..and as soon as I touched her waist, my heart started beating fast..

but I controlled my emotions..I wished her all the best and left..

next morning I got a call from my brother Matthew..

" hey Matt whats up.."

" get ready i am coming to pick you up." he said

" I am all set to go to office and also have my own car why will you pick me up.." I asked

" because we are not going to office today.."

" what you mean?"

" I mean we are going to Columbia University for campus interview."

" what no no not at all..I have already told you that I don't need any intern under me please.."

" Sam i am the CEO and I know what I am doing.."

" but Matt. "

" I am here come down now.." saying that he ended the call .

eehh I hate it...I just hate interns..because I hate to repeat myself again and again..I rubbed my face with my palms and left.

I got in the car with grumpy face.

" smile looks good on you Sam.. "

" shut up Matt.."

" come on why are you upset.."

" because you know I hate interns..and still you want some under me...I already have my best team of architects then why interns.."

" don't forget that you also worked as intern before."

" yes I did worked as intern but that was a small firm ..and we are talking about Thompson's and Co. here.." I tried to explain

" I know Sam we don't need any new person in the team..but just think about those fresh architects who are dreaming of their bright future.."

" we are not any kind of NGO Matt."

" I know ..ok fine..I promise we will appointed them as intern and after the internship period it will be your decision to keep them or not. is that ok?"

I nodded ...we reached the university and started with the interview

after an hour Matthew said " looks like my decision was wrong about appointing an intern."

I rolled my eyes and said.." finally.."

" but we have to appoint at least 2 " he said..

" yes and we will appoint the toppers thats it....."

" yes you are right " matt replied..

" see i have made it let's declare and leave from here."

matt did as I suggested and we left...

in the car..matt said..

" I don't understand what is wrong with the youngsters these days..they don't seem serious with their work.."

" and this is the reason I hate interns. I hope you understood me now.."

he nodded

he dropped me at my site and he left for company....

suddenly I remembered about Betty's elimination round....damn because of this stupid interviews I forgot to watch it online..but now I have some work so I thought of watching it later..

in the evening I finally got time to watch it..

well she did good ,not up to the mark though..but still IDA got selected..I am happy that my efforts didn't go waste..later I went to the Academy and there she was already soon as she saw me she came running towards me and hugged me..I was not ready for that so I was about to fall but thankfully I managed..damn she smell so good I was about to hug her back but before that she separated..

" thank you thank you so much its all because of you that we got selected ...thank you so much."

I smiled and said " you are welcome but I just polished your steps thats it.. "

" yes but still thank you a big time.."

" ok what now.." I asked

" well level two elimination in some days and then the finals.."

" is the choreography done?"

" not as such we still have to select songs for every act.."..

" do you mind if I suggest some."

she got surprised and said " I don't mind if you do the choreography."

" well I don't know about the for now let's selects some songs.."

" sure " she replied...and we both sat on the floor and started listening the songs.. after almost two hours we finalize some songs ...and she sent the list to her sister..

Elizabeth's POV

well truly speaking I was sad that I won't be able to go for campus interview but i was equally happy that I got chance to prove myself and the best thing was that we got selected...I was so eager to met Sam thats why I reached Academy bit early than usual..

and as soon as I saw him I hugged him..I hugged him so tightly that I could easily imagine his abs..ohh God what am I thinking..later we both decided the songs for next round..I forwarded the same to Abby.. that night he dropped me home..I don't know why I always feel different when we are together...

next morning I decided to take my pending work with me to academy so that I can finish it of there, as from today I will be spending my whole day there. I reached early than Abby.. so I started working on the project. I was so engrossed that I didn't realize that Abby was standing next to me..

" what is it anyways" she asked suddenly.

I startled and said " damn Abby what in the scared me.."

" and you surprised me by sending that list..I never knew you are this serious with the competition.."

" well I am pretty much serious and about the list someone helped me.."

" someone means your mentor?" she asked.

I nodded..

" I have even asked him to help with the choreography..but he denied."

" Betty you are not dating him right?"

" what ? no and why you thought of something like that."

" just ..I mean you guys are getting pretty closer so you know.."

" for God sake Abby stop checking the CCTV footages please.."

" come on you guys look good together..and mainly when you both did waltz its was so amazing"

" what kind of person you are? you even checked roof top camera..?"

I got bit pissed now..

" I am sorry but I can't help myself , when you both dance its like a treat to watch.."

" you are impossible Abby.. " saying that I left her office and went to the my team mates...well thankfully Abby approved the songs which Sam selected for us. so in no time we started the choreography.

I wish sam could help us with it ...
