Greek God

Elizabeth's POV

we completed the choreography in no time.

well it was not that difficult except the lift...I don't no if I can do the evening Sam came when I was in my thoughts

" what are you thinking so deeply.."

I looked at him and showed the video of our duet choreography.

" its good"..

" of course it's good but.."

" but what?.

"that lift..I can't do it....I mean I had never done anything like this before."

" you scared of hurting yourself."

" yeah thats one thing . I mean I can't prefer getting hurt right. "

" ok I guess I can help you with that.."

" really "

" yes let's go..".. he said..

" go? where ?"

" my place.."..

what why his place...what is he trying to do? should I go or...ugh what should I do..

" don't worry I won't bite " he said..

" hunn"

" let's go now" he said in stern voice.

I obediently followed him..I got in to his car he drove me to my apartment ..

I looked around and said " you said you will help me then why are you dropping me home.."

" I am not dropping you go and get your swimming suite and some extra clothes.."

" why "

" just do as I say.."..he said rudely..

" will you be less rude.." I said this he rolled his eyes..I got down the car and went to my apartment I grabbed my swim suite and some clothes and came soon as I got in the car he started the engine... the whole drive was silent..after sometime he stopped the car in front of a newly developed building...and of course its developed by my favorite company so I got excited...

" you stay here " I asked..

" humm " thats all he replied..

and walked in the elevator I followed him, he pressed the topmost button...wait what he lives in a penthouse!...who is he..

I was in my thoughts but I got back when elevator stopped..we both came out of it..and entered into his house....

" damn you owe this place...its beautiful...who exactly are you..a real estate agent or some don.."

" you are not here to take my interview so now go and change in swim suite and come to the deck.." he said pointing towards the deck..

" which room should i use?" I asked..

" go to your left and use which ever you want."

I nodded and left from there..I changed in the swim suite and wrapped a sarong and went to deck..when I reached at the deck he was already in the pool.

he had his back towards me..but this was the first time I am seeing him shirtless..his broad shoulders were just amazing..

to the earth Betty i said to myself..

and cleared my throat to get his attention..

and when he turned I was astonished with his handsomeness...he was looking like a Greek God in the moon light and the water droplets on his body was like a diamond stucked on him..unknowingly my heart started beating fast. I was thinking how someone can be this handsome...

" do you want any special invitation to get in the pool" as he said that I came back to ground..

I just shook my head and started taking off my sarong..

Samuel's POV

that lift which she showed me needs concentration and balance both and I know it will be difficult for I thought of taking her home..I asked her to changed and even i changed and entered the pool..I was enjoying the view thats when she got my attention I looked at her..and said

" do you want a special invitation to get in the pool" as I said this she started taking off her sarong..but her hair was disturbing she took them and tied it in a high bun she again started taking off her sarong and when she took it off, I was stunt..I mean she is beautiful not just her face but also her body..I was totally lost ..I was just looking at her every action.. she slowly started walking into the pool .she stood in front of me and asked..

" what now.."..

" hunn" her question brought me back

" I mean what you want me to do .."

" do you know how to swim" I asked and she nodded " ok the take two laps and then we will start the practice "

" ok " she said and started swimming..and I was just observing her ....she completed her task and again stood in front of me ..

" I am ready" she said.

" ok now listen to me need to concentrate and balance yourself..I will hold you up in the air but..this lift is only possible when you do it correctly..understood.."

" do you think I can do it " she asked..

" anything is possible if you try.." I said....."now on count of three I will carry you holding your waist, you have to keep yourself stiff..if you keep your body loose you will understood?.."

she chuckled and said.." it looks like the scene from the movie 'Dirty Dancing'".

I looked at her seriously and asked.." are you done joking.".

" sorry " she said..

" ok now on count of three alright.." saying that I started counting and carried her on I touched her waist I got electrified...I hold her in the air over my head...but she didn't balanced herself properly and we both fell in water..I helped her stand ..water went in her nose so she started coughing..

" I told you, you need to balance it that difficult." I shouted at her..

tears welled in her eyes..looking at that my heart ached ...I wanted to say sorry but she turned and said

" I am sorry I cant do it...I will ask to change the lift.."...saying that she started walking away.

I hold her arm and pulled her, she landed on my chest..unknowingly my heartbeat raised....she gave me a questionable look and asked.

" what is your problem....look..I can't do it are such a difficult person ...I don't understand you...first you said you will help me and now when I failed at first attempt you started shouting at me....I can't learn this way...I am leaving.."

saying that she cried ..

i wiped her tears and said.." I am sorry....I promise I won't shout at you that ok.."

she nodded and said.." and also you have to be less rude.."..I chuckled when she said that..

" you should smile more often it looks good on you ."

" ok fine now let's start again.."..I said with a smile..

" yup " she said and took her position..

" ok now count on three....and you have to hold yourself up at least for 10 seconds ok."

she nodded and I started counting. On the three I carried her and hold her in the air..but in just three seconds she gave up..

" you gave up in just three seconds Betty. "

" I will reach there gradually.." she said with pleading eyes....i chuckled looking at her..and said..

" you are not less than a kid.."

as I said this she smiled widely and her eyes shimmered like a star....yes shimmer this name suits her. unknowingly I called out " shimmer "..

she looked at me and asked " humm you said something.."

I cleared my throat and said.." no no I didn't."

we practiced for some more time and then she said..

" I guess..its enough for the day..I am tired now.."

" ok" I said and we both got out of the pool..

" you go change i will make some ginger tea for us.." I said and moved to the kitchen wearing robe..

she came after 15 minutes....I was already waiting for her in the leaving room...

" here is your ginger tea.."

" thank you ".. she said and took a sip.." can I ask you something " she asked.

" anything except my identity " I replied..

" why ...why are you hiding it...and don't you want to know who I am.."

" I have personal reasons..and about you I really don't want to know...we are mentor and student thats it..thats the only relationship we can have."..

" excuse me i was not even thinking about any other relationship..but at least we can be friends right.." she said..

" ok but don't think of enquiring about me to any one..understood. "..

" are you a serial killer " she asked me suspiciously..

I raised my eyebrows and asked.." does serial killers likes to dance and read Shakespeare? " I asked her..

" then are you gay?"

I shot her a death could she think of me like that.." if you are done with your tea then you can leave.."

" I am sorry " she said making a puppy face..

I chuckled looking at her cuteness..and asked

" do you want me to drop you .."

" no no I will book a cab.."..

" ok then I will wait till the cab arrives. "

she nodded and we entered the elevator..

in sometime her cab came..and she left.

this girl is impossible. there is something about her, till date I have never ever smiled at any girl but Betty she even makes me laugh.
