Mysterious girl

Elizabeth's POV

As I entered the Academy..Eve and Abby ran towards me and hugged me tightly ..

" I am so happy for you babes..." eve said..

" we should celebrate this " Abby said

" no I am not in mood..and I am here for practice not for any celebration..." saying that i walked away from them..

" shut up we didn't asked for your permission " saying that Abby and eve pulled me towards the elevator...

we got in the car and eve took us to one of my favorite restaurant. and to my surprise Maria and Adam was already there..

" congratulations babes.." Adam said hugging me..

" finally we gonna be together again.." Maria said .

" yes " I said rolling my eyes

" so tell us how was the interview and what happened? Maria asked

I took a deep breath and said " it was good.."

" we want details dude" Adam said..

" they have appointed me as an permanent employee and I will be working on business park project.."

everyone was shocked by listening this.