Missing him

Elizabeth's POV

He said I was overreacting, maybe I was...or ugh ....I am pissed so pissed and I am hurt too and as he left unknowingly tears rolled down my cheeks..I don't know whats happening to me ..I was never this way..I always knew whats wrong with me but this time I am confused ..was in need of someone...I somehow went to my apartment and slept off..


" May I have a next dance with you.." the boy asked a girl with a purple mask

the girl turned and saw the boy whose face was covered with the blue mask...

" do I know you?" she asked

" no...but I know one thing about you..." the boy said.

" and what is that?" the girl asked.

" that you like Waltz.." the boy replied..

the girl smiled Shyly and lowered her gaze....the boy again asked " so may I have next dance with you ."

the girl nodded and gave her hand to him...and they started dancing.
