
Samuel's POV

I don't know why she overreacted...she was never like this before....and why did she break our friendship...I mean ok now I am gonna be her boss but I know how to be professional..then why ....after a very long time I was willing to accept a girl as my friend but she pushed me far way ....God why girls are this complicated....I don't know why but her words affected me....i even stopped going to the Academy...and that made me miss her more..and I didn't understand why this is happening to me..Days are passing by...and today is her finals...I don't even know what songs she has selected...and whats the choreography...I was getting ready to visit my parents house..thats when i got a call

" hey mom good morning.."

" good morning son...well I have called you because I want you to come with me.."..

" where..?".

" I have been called to judge this dance competition and today is the finals...I want you to join me....I am sure you will like it.."