Adores you

Elizabeth's POV

i was about to apologize thats when mr Gary said.

" I am glad you are my employee..."

" thank you sir" I replied

" I have one request Sir" Matthew said to mr Gary..

" go ahead " he said

" I want only Ms Clark and Mr Samuel to work on this project..."

as I heard this I was shocked..this means I have to report directly to sam...why it has to be this i am avoiding him...and now I left with no option..

" that a great idea.." Mr Gary Thompson said..

" so its final we will start the project next week.....thank you all to be present here ....this is a very important project for us and I am sure..we will shine as always.....meeting is adjourned."

one by one everyone left the meeting room except...Matthew, Sam, Henry and Mr Gary Thompson....I was about to leave thats when Matthew stopped me..

" Ms Clark have a sit please.. "

" sure sir.." saying that I sat on my chair again...