Far away

Evelyn's POV

oscar nodded and we reached at Betty's apartment.. I got out of the car thats when ...I saw Betty parking her car....we waited for her to come to us..

" hey guys what a surprise?" she said.. hugging both of us..

" Betty are you dating anyone?" I asked

she left out a chuckle and asked " is that a joke.."..

" answer us.." oscar asked strictly..

" no..Noone.. "

" then who was the one you was kissing at the party.."

" at the party..?"...she was confused..

" yes in the balcony.."..oscar asked..shoving his hands in his pants pocket..

" in the balcony..." saying that she tried to think.. " I..I was with Adam that time.."..

" so you was kissing Adam..." oscar asked..

ok not only betty but even I laughed with her.." os you know he is gay...why would I kiss him....yes I kissed him on cheeks but we were not making out.....you know what this was there craziest accusation I ever got.."