New Boss

Elizabeth's pov

when os and eve left I called Adam and told what they suspected....we both laughed like day...I got a message from the ABC juice company that the commercial is ready to go on was eagerly waiting for that but the whole day passed and I didn't found it....I thought they might be some issue so I didn't contacted them and thought of waiting for few days...a week passed by....and I am thankful of two its that I didn't face Sam or Rachel and second its that now I can submit my resignation as my projects are afternoon I was in office thats when I got a call from lyla..

" ma'am we got an issue.."

" what happened lyla you sounding tensed.."

" ma'am you remember you worked in a commercial which didn't went on air.."

" yes I remember..infact I was thinking to call them..."

" they want to shoot the whole commercial again.."

I was shocked to hear that...

" what you mean again? whats the matter.."