
Elizabeth's POV

I got up from my seat and started taking the stairs.. Sam followed me....my heartbeat was fast.....I don't know what I have to face now...I reached near my room and took a deep breath and went inside. as I git in, sam closed the door and pulled me and slammed me on the wall making sure I am not hurt....My face was against the wall....and Sam caged me from behind...he rubbed his nose on my neck and took a deep breath as if he is inhaling my scent....and suddenly bite me hard..

"aahha..Sam.." I moaned.. I turned around and faced him..and asked.." what is my mistake?"..

" to agree to stay away from me.." he replied and licked the part where he bit ..

I moaned again..and he started torturing me with the kisses..

" how can I disobey dad?"..

" you can disobey me humm.."

" I am sorry .."..