
Evelyn's pov

I know mom will kill me the next time she sees me ...but it was fun I mean serious fun....we were still laughing when os came to pick us up..we got in the car and os said..

" even I would like to laugh.."

I told him everything and he was just laughing

" you girls are crazy..." he said..

" tell me something we don't know Mr Harris." I said and he shook his head..

we went to the cake shop and started tasting the cakes...I know I am gonna order chocolate cake but I stilled tried each and every flavor

we ordered our cake and then Oscar said..

" well there is a message for you sweetheart."

" and what is that?" Betty asked

" sam asked you to order your wedding cake also.." ...

really he is such an ass..

" ok...I want French vanilla." she replied..

" are you serious?" I asked..

" yup.."

"are you doing it as a revenge.."..I asked..

" no I want it simple ...and I even want my wedding dress to be simple and elegant"..