
When Eleanor asked him this he looked at her and asked.

" Do you want me to?"

Eleanor's heart started beating fast ...she took a deep breath and was about to answer thats when Arthur entered asking

" What you both doing here?"

Eleanor got scared and said.." he was helping me with the project."

" Here on the rooftop?"

" We get clear view of the garden from here and the project is about landscaping thats why.."

" Ohh is that so.." Arthur looked at Alex and asked.

" Yes absolutely." Alex smiled and replied..

" Ok if you two are done then, Alex let's go we are getting late.." saying that he left..

Alex nodded and looked at Eleanor and said..

" take care.." and followed Arthur..

they all bid their good byes and in the car Alex looked at Arthur and said..

" your presence was not needed there."

" I just came to see whether you were crossing your limit or not.."

" I will never do that and you know it ." Alex replied

Arthur ignored him and got busy in his phone..