Over come

" Hope everything is clear now " Lucas asked. ..

Samara's eyes got wider and she covered her face.. Luna came and hugged her and said

" welcome to the family.."

" thank you so much.."

" So brother when are you thinking about getting married." luna asked.

" After six months .." Lucas replied..

" Six months....don't you think you being unfair with Samara ....She is been waiting for you since so long and you are making her wait for more six months. " Luna asked..

And before Lucas could reply..Samara said.." I am ready to wait ..because I want to first start working.."..she said lowering her head.

" woo...is that so...if you are ok then we don't have any problem.. " luna said and walked towards Logan..

" Now let's go out for dinner. " Logan said

" Sure. " Lucas said and they all walked out of the house..

Samara was walking towards Logan car thats when Lucas hold her and and said..

" Have I asked you to go away from me.."

" But Lucas "