The devil

Melissa was enjoying her stay at her grandparents house. And with all that crazy shopping she is loving it. She, Eleanor and Samara came from shopping and crashed on the couch.

" I wish I could stay here longer." Melissa said.

" Who stopped you then?" Eleanor said.

" No one, but I will surely one day." Melissa replied.

"I am just waiting for the day when you all shift back here. So that even El can get a chance to be with my dear brother Alex." Samara said teasingly.

Eleanor looked at Samara and asked " Why everything had to end with me?"

Melissa and Samara started laughing and thats when Melissa got a video call and its non other than Alex.

" Think of a devil and he calls." Melissa showed the phone to Eleanor and then answered the call.

" hey brother how are you? and where are you wedding is in next three days."

" I am good and thats why I called you to inform that I can't make it for the wedding."

listening to this Eleanor's face turned pale.

" But why brother?".