Its a Boy

Lucas was waiting for Samara. Finally she came out of the bathroom wearing a beautiful wine color satin night dress. Looking at her Lucas was stunned. He walked towards her and said

" You look beautiful and sexy." and kissed her cheeks. She clutched his t-shirt and said

" Whatever i am, its all for you."

he made her look at him and kissed her passionately even she gave in. They were out of clothes in just few seconds. He carried her to the bed and hovered her. But before he could speak , she said

" I know it will pain but I want it..because everything that belongs to you is mine , and what mine is yours."

When she said that Lucas lost his control and started making love.

They both slept in each other's arms..Next morning Lucas woke up before Samara, but he didn't moved as his love is sleeping peaceful in his arms...After waiting for half an hour he caressed her cheeks and said

" Wake up baby We have to go."