
When Melissa reached home, Grace was shocked to see her sad face.

" Mel what happened? where were you all the day? I tried calling you but you didn't answered and what happened at the interview. "

" I got in and they asked me to start working from today itself." she said sadly.

"Thats a great news then why are you so sad."

" My boss is the same devil who saved me. and the worst thing is that I am his PA."

Listening to this Grace's eyes got wider.

" ohh girl you are doomed.".

" yes I know and I even signed the contract before seeing him. uugghh I hate myself so much."

" what? God Mel you got to be strong.."

Melissa nodded and went to her room. she didn't came out for long time so Grace went I to check on her and there Melissa already drifted to sleep. Grace left her room without disturbing her. Next morning Grace woke her up.

" Mel get up don't forget you have to face the devil."

Melissa got up in a jerk and said

" can't you say nice words in the morning Grace."