
Arthur's POV

This girl who met me in the flight was really beautiful but yes I can't lose myself because I am Arthur Harris. and I have reputation. But let me tell you one thing that girl haunted me like anything and then months later we again met in elevator and her scared face was so cute. But again I talked to her rudely. Next day I got to know that she is my new PA and I got irritated because I wanted to stay away from her. I thought to fire her in few days but she was doing good so I let her stay but made sure I am staying away from her and luckily after few days Mel joined as my assistant. I appointed her as my PA well she is good not exactly the way my sister Eleanor explain her but good.

one day Melissa was staring at me and thats when I insulted her since that day she don't come in front of me much. one evening I was working and thats when she knock.

I allowed her in and she placed a leave application in front of me.

" I need a weeks leave for my exams."