walking ....dead body .

After class is over ..

Melody said to Lisa " what happen with Rose she didn't came ..she want for washroom ..but how she didn't came till now ....

Lisa Replied " let's go ..for finding her ..

They went in washroom and saw Rose is crying ...while sitting on floor ..

Lisa and Melody went toward her ..

they hugged her tightly ..

Lisa said " what happen Rose why you are crying like this ..

Melody also said " Tell us Rose what happen why you are crying like this. did someone hurt you ..

Rose is not replying anything she is crying continuously..

Lisa shouts and said " what the fuck ..Rose tell me why you are crying like this ...

Rose came back into her senses and in crying voice she told everything to them ..

Melody and lisa eyes start blazing I'm anger ..

Melody shouts and said " how can he do this with you .this inhuman act ..how dare him ...to treat you like this ..

Lisa said " let's go and teach him some lesson ...

Rose tightly hugged them both " No I don't want you do anything ..

plz don't ..plz take me aways from this college ..

she start crying more ...

Lisa and Melody saw eachother ...

and then

Melody said to her " let's go ..let's miss the class ...

they make " Rose stand up ..

and went outside from college..

they went for Lisa home ....

At Lisa home .....

Lisa mother " saw them and saw how Rose face is swallow and how Melody lips are busted ..she didn't saw the hickey ..

Lisa mother asked " what happen to both of you ... Melody ..and Rose ..

Lisa Interrupts and said " Mom Melody fall on the floor so she got busted her lips..

and Rose " a lowlife poisonous mosquito bites on her face so she got this swallow cheek...

Rose is saying nothing she just keep silent ...

Melody thinks " thanks god Lisa saves us ..

Lisa mom Replied " okay okay but why came early this is your first day so why you all came early ...

Melody Replied " we have only few lectures today that's why we came ...

Lisa Interrupts and said " call Rose and Melody parents they are going to live here for today's night ..

Lisa mom " nodded " ..

and they left for Lisa room ..

Lisa said to Rose " Rose change your clothes go change ...

Rose start walking like a dead body ...while taking clothes ..

she left in bathroom..

Melody said " what is happening with us Lisa we just want to study. we just want to be a doctor ..why they Bastards have to make our life mess..

that bastard makes " our bubbly Rose like this. ...

Lisa Replied " it's not easy to get anything in life Melody we have to fight for everything ..

and yeah we have to take care of Rose she needs us the most ...

Rose came while wearing conformable clothes ...

and sat on the bed while watching in ceiling..

Melody and lisa also fresh up and

saw Rose ..

Lisa makes lay Rose head on her lap ..

and start singing ..

No matter how much ...exhausted you are ..

No matter how much ... disgusted ...you feels

Now matter ...how much you feels alone ..

just saw the ones .....whom you love ....

No matter how much .....problems came ....

I m here for shielding you ...


No matter what plz don't lose ... don't lose ..plz ....I m with you ..No matter what ..I m with you .. ...

She saw Rose sleeps ..and she makes her lay comfortable on bed ..

Melody and lisa also sleeps beside her ...

Note ...

so author here ..

today I want to tell you something..

I m knew to this platform but I first started writing on mangatoon but there things not goes good..

so I have novels which I took here in middle ...

Two of you are already reading and who didn't plz read it ..

I wrote songs and poetry also like this chapter have song.

in future also I m going to write songs if it needs ..

and now I have one more novel here which I took because I think now I comfortable here ..

so my stories are ..

this already you are reading ..

Obseession of Immortal..

this one read if you didn't...

and now new " Taming my Poisonous mate

this story you never ever read before so give it a try ..

can I call you all cupcakes ??. usually I call it to readers if you want so can I ..

and plz go and see my community page ..