Gold digger...

In college ...

Tae is walking in corridor with a smile on his face ...

Blake and Vince also came there from infimatory...

Blake asked To Tae "what happen I never saw you smiling like this ...

Tae replied " Today I found someone whom I m finding from.years ...the one whom I want to live with till eternity..

Blake Replied " why are you behaving like person who is in love ..

Tae Replied " I just want her Blake ..

and then he told what he did with that girl ..

Blake Replied " we didn't even knew them and first this Vince kissed to that girl and second you did this with that girl ...

Vince with smirk Replied " Is it tough for us to find about them ??.

if we want we can find about anyone..

and yeah Tae" I have one suggestion.."

" Don't behave like a fool in love ..

if you didn't dominate her ..

if you didn't show her that you are in control..

so what happen with me is going to happen with you..

Blake Replied " why you both have to behave like a lovesick person ..

All girls are just bitch and gold digger..

Tae Replied " Don't worry even if she is a gold digger I have enough money to keep her with me ..I don't care even if she be with me for money I can be happy that she want to be with me ..I don't. care about money ..

and about showing who is incharge..

so today I already shows her who is in control here ..

Vince Interrupt and said " but first let's find about them ...

Blake Replied " you both are behaving like a thick walls..I don't want to smash my head with you both ...

Tae Replied " yeah so don't smash ..and I knew you also want to knew about that girl who have guts to punched you ...

Blake Replied " I m not going to leave her for this humiliation .......

"she have to pay for this "..

she is going to pay double of the thing she did with me .........I just hate her from the core of my heart ..

Tae laughs and said " Atleast you feal something for her from your core of the heart let's bunk the lecture and first let's find about there classes and department ....

and they left from there ...

other side ..

Rose wakes up and start crying ...

Lisa and Melody immediately wakes up by listening her cries..

Melody said " plz don't cry Rose's hurts our hearts also plz ..

Rose while crying replied " I ..don't study there ..I don't want to go there again...

Lisa Replied " why Rose Because of that bastard you want to leave your dream to be a doctor..

you do so much hard for this Rose ..

we did so much hard work for getting a scholarship in that college ..

if you are going to leave we are also not going to study there ..

Melody also said " Rose nothing is easy in life ..we have to make it easy ..

nobody birth with a silver spoon .. except some

we have to earn that silver spoon with our hardwork..

you can't just run away because someone did wrong with you ..

you have to face that have to fight for yourself Rose ...

Rose didn't Replied anything..

Lisa and Melody hugs her ....

Note ..

you all knew why I m not updating regularly Because my grandma passed away ..

hope so you all can understand..

plz give reviews plz .....

plz tip also of you can ..

and try my other novels too .

Obseession of Immortal

Taming my Poisonous mate