Bitter .....

In college ..

Vince Tae and Blake reach in the office where they can collect all information about the girls...

Tae said to the head teacher "I want information about the girls ..

Head teacher shutter and Replied " who sir ...

Blake Replied " one whom Vince kissed ..

Head teacher start sweating and Replied ' sir I don't knew them. ...

Vince Replied in dangerous voice " don't try to lie to me knew what I can do ...Mr Smith ...I knew you knew everything about what happen today in corridor .

I knew you behave deaf and blind .. it's better for you also ...but if I ask something and you dare to lie so I m not going to leave you ...I m going to convert you into deaf and blind in real ...

Head teacher stands up from his seat And Replied immediately " sir I m Sorry ..I knew who they are ..

the girl whom. you kissed " is Melody ..

the girl whom young master Tae slapped is " Rose " ..

the girl whom young master Blake punched is " Lisa ..

They are scholarship students of medical department ....

All three are 19 yrs old ..

and then he gave them different papers whom have there address...and also there classes schedule...

Vince thinks "Melody life is now going to have some Melody after you are going to came in my life ...


Blake thinks " Oh Lisa don't worry I m going to take my revenge for sure ..the punched you give to me .....I m not going to leave you ..

Tae thinks " oh my little girl name is like her " Rose " ..her lips on my crock feals like rose petals ....soft ....

and they left from there .

when they reach in the girls class they saw they are not there. .

Tae said to vince " How dare she leave from here without my permission...

Blake smirks and Replied " why would she asked for your permission are nothing for her .

Vince eyes start becaming red in anger ...

Blake and Tae saw that ...

then Tae said " let's go for home now ...

we will deal with them tomorrow ..

and they left from there ...

After reaching at there ..home ..

they went toward there rooms for freshen up ..

After that they came dinning table. ...

Blake said " I m going to make coffee for us all ...

Tae and Vince nodded ..

they say on the chairs which is around the table ...

Blake came with three cups of coffee ..

after serving he also sit on the chair

he said to vince " Black coffee is not good for you health Vince are already taking medicines...

Tae also said " yeah you can drink normal coffee like we are drinking..

Vince in cold tone Replied " this bitter coffee helps me forgetting my bitter life both knew it why you always have to repeat same things ...

Blake and Tae Replied nothing ..

they all drinks there coffee...and went in there room for a nap ...

on other side ...

Melody and lisa broke the hug.

Melody said to Rose " let's go you have to eat something ..

Lisa Replied " yeah ...

Rose Replied " no I don't yo eat anything from this disgusting mouth of mine..that bastard make me eat that disgusting thing I don't want to eat anything ..

Melody Replied " okay so I m not going to eat also ..

Lisa Replied " okay me too also ..

Melody said to Lisa " why you always have to be this cold .Lisa ..

Lisa Replied " have any problem ..

Rose Interrupt and said " why doing my acting Melody ..

Melody Replied "okay let's go ...for eating .".

and they left for eating the dinning table ...

Note ..

waiting for reviews ..plz give stars and reviews ...

also plz give tips. ..

Read mine other stories also..

Obseession of Immortal..

Taming my Poisonous mate