
At dinning table ...

Lisa mom said " come on girls eat have to go for your job in cafe ...

Lisa Melody and Rose all three nodded in unison ...

they sit on there respective places ...

Lisa asked to her mom " Mom what you prepared for us in food ...

Lisa mom Replied " pancakes ....

Melody smiles and said " Aunty thanks for making food for us ...and sorry for disturbing you ...

Lisa mom Replied " No my child and Rose both are child to me like Lisa ....

the way I love Lisa I love you both also ...

Rose didn't Replied Anything ...

Lisa mom asked to Rose " what happens with you today ..the chatterbox which always chatters is shut today ..

what happen sweetie ....

Rose Replied " Aunty I m not a chatterbox .....

Lisa mom start laughing and Replied " child I knew how much " chatterbox you are not '

Rose start laughing also and while laughing Replied " Aunty you and me both are chatterbox ....

Melody and lisa also smiled by seeing Rose happy ...

Lisa in cold voice said " okay now eat this before it get cold ....also we are going to be late for our job ...

They all start eating ........

after finishing there ...

Lisa said to Melody and Rose let's ..go ...

they nodded ....and left for there job ...

while walking toward cafeteria...

Rose said " you both are right we all did so much hardwork for our future can I spoil it for some bastard..

Melody Replied " I knew that I m Miss right ...

Lisa chuckle and Replied " yeah Ms Right ....

After reaching at there job place ..

they went toward the owner ...

Nd in unison said " Mrs Kim ..we are here ...

Mrs Kim Replied " oh sweeties you all are here ...

Rose Replied " No Mrs Kim our clone is here ..ofcourse we are here if you are seeing us ...

Mrs Kim Replied " you brat always make fun of me ...

Rose Replied " I can make more fun of yours...." you are my mom ....

Mrs Kim Replied " you brat always behave like This ...I pay you for doing work not for chattering..

Rose Replied " oh your cafe is a home for us ...Mom ...

Lisa smiled and Replied " Now Mrs Kim can we do the work ...

Melody Replied " yeah ...

Rose mother Replied " how many times I told you to call me aunty ..not Mrs Kim ...

Rose Replied " Mom what can we do are boos for us .....

Mrs Kim Replied " okay now go back to your works ...

And they left for there respective works ..

and they start serving the coffee with some brownies to the customers who are present there .....

After three hours ....

Lisa came toward Mrs Kim and said " Aunty now it's night time and noone is here so now can we left ..

Mrs Kim Replied " yeah you can ..And now you are calling me aunty ....huh why not call me this before ...

Melody came and Replied " you already knew that ...

Mrs Kim asked " Lisa mother informed me about your and Rose injuries you both are alright...

Rose Interrupt and Replied " what can happen with us when we have our fighter with us ...

Mrs Kim start laughing and Replied " yeah I knew Lisa is with you both ..and yeah she informed me you are going to stay at night there

Lisa Replied " yes ..

Mrs Kim Replied " take care ... sweeties

And after closing the cafe they all left for Lisa home ...and rose mother left for her home ...which is close to the cafe ...

Author note..

I m back .. cupcakes ..

now I m going to update regularly thanks for supporting ...

plz give reviews and tips if you want crazy updates I m waiting ..

also check on my community page for the pictures related to this novel