Alone ...poison ...

In evening....

Blake ..came from his room .... towards the Vince room .........

Blake start knocking the door but then he realised that door is already unlocked...

he went inside the room ...he saw room have dim lights ..and then what he saw he became shocked....

Blake shouts and said " what the hell you are doing vince ..

you want to die ...why are you doing this with yourself....

Vince in hoarse voice Replied " Shhhhhhh.....I m doing what is needed .....

Blake went toward Vince and grab Vince by his collar ...and then he said " Taking drugs is needed ..huh Vince this poison is needed .....

why you can't understand ..Vince you are welcoming your death by doing these things ...

Vince start laughing and Replied " I m all ready for welcoming my death ...

but it is not coming ..from how many years I m waiting ..but see I m all alive and alone ....

Blake Replied in anger " why you can't see me and Tae ..why you are doing this Vince we both are with you .... don't do this ...Vince .....

Vince eyes turned red in anger and he shouts ..." Don't you dare to say anything ......I don't care about anyone ....

The pain I m going through is going to finish by my death .

I m going to free from this pain ...

Blood is flowing in my veins ...

I want to mix it with drugs ..

Drugs are ruining me ...

I want to be ruined .....

I want to be ruined till I gain what I want ...

and I want to sleep for forever..

I want to be free from this life ...

Blake shouts and Replied " For that bitch you are doing this with you Vince ...

why you are Hurting yourself..

by hurting yourself you are not going to gain her ....Vince ..she leaves you ...she is not with you ...

Vince start laughing ...and then he became silent in dangerous voice he replied " who is saying I m ruining myself ...for her ..

she already ruined me enough to be ruined more ....

I want to just hide myself from this pain ...

then Vince placed his hand in his heart and said ..

" This is paining Blake ...

I m getting suffocate ...

I m hurt Blake ....

this heart of mine can't understand anything ..

this heart of mine want someone to cure me ..

this heart of mine is not going to stop from beating ..

this heart of mine is not going to stop from giving me pain ..

I m born to be hurt..

I m born to be alone ..

I m born to be die ...

After saying these words Vince fell unconscious in Blake arms ..

Blake puts Vince on bed ...

and then called the doctor .....

Tae also came here and said " what happen Blake ...

Blake explain each and everything to Tae ...

Tae eyes start burning red in anger ...while gritting his teeth he said " that bitch took away our innocent friend away from us .....

Now this living body without soul is living with us ....

Blake Replied " we have to do something Tae before Vince lose whatever is left ...we have to do something......

Tae Replied " Don't worry ...we are surely going to do something....

Blake again said " we are trying from yrs Tae we have to do something for sure ...

and then doctor came .....

Note ..

As I told you ...I love to write dark stories ..

and my story is not the stories where darkness means sex ...

be ready to be emotionally drown in the story ....

be ready to see the extent of darkness...

plz read mine other stories also..

Obsession of the

Taming my Poisonous mate

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