Mannerless ...

On boys side ..

Tae Blake and Vince reach toward there car ...

And saw a cafe Infront of the cafe they left ...

Tae saw Rose and saw how Alex is dressing her hand...

And how Melody and they all are eating with Alex ..

Vince is seeing how " Melody is smiling for Alex ..

And then he think " How dare she smile with this bastard .. how dare she be happy while making me unhappy and angry ...

Blake saw Lisa angry face and think " She deserve a person like this Alex ...similar to eachother ..I m enjoying her annoying face ...

Tae then said " Let's go there ....

Vince replied " Yes let's I m gonna show what happen when somebody try to snatch what is our ...

Blake replied " I also want to go ..there to enjoy the show .

And then. With there dominating aura they left for cafe ....

With girls....

They were eating without caring anything and laughing ...

But Lisa and Alex still giving taunts to eachother and Melody and Rose is enjoying this ..