Ashamed Mother ...

In Rose mother cafe ..

And then a slap land on Rose face ....

Rose lift her eyes up and saw who slapped her and that is her mother ...

Her own mother is slapping her because of.. someone who just Insulted her ....

Tears start flowing from Rose eyes ..

Tae became angry because Rose mother slapped her but he think " Little Rose you deserve this ...

Rose mother then shout and said " Rise just shut up ..I m telling you one word from your mouth and you are going to see worst of me ...

Rose closed her eyes for stopping tears but they are falling like water fall ..

Melody Lisa and Alex were silent because they knew situation is getting worse ..

Then Rose mother told to Rose " Kneel down now and say sorry to Sir ...

Rose while with red eyes open her eyes tears are flowing from her eyes and she Tae in his eyes ..with the hatered which no one cannot imagine ..

Tae smile and replied " This what you get when you try to show guys Infront of 'Tae Silverado .."..