In The Face Of Evil

For the past two days Eunice has refused to talk to any of her family member of what happened to her, and she looked like someone who had an encounter with a ferocious beast. her mother tried but to no avail.

Earlier today she had a fight with that Magdalen girl, and she called her all sorts of names, and even reminded her of how dirty she is, if she is innocent let her come out the next day dance in the palace and drink from the Virgins cup.

if the god of thunder did not strike her then she would believe her.

"Oh I'm so ashamed of myself, what will I tell my people that exempted me from attending the celebration, I'm such a whore I'm no longer a virgin."

Eunice tears wet her face and she say on her bed, with just a wave of hand she ruined her porch... "It's worthless, it's useless I thought you would protect me from night beasts and so on, why didn't you mother goddess why let my innocence go for some night ghost I am so mad".