The therondians arrived and was welcomed happily by the king of Judah, Leticia bowed to the King and then to the Queen's, but Ella just bowed to the King of ignored others they don't really matter to her. they stared at each other wondering she is so disrespectful. "Ella greet your Queens". Leticia reminded her.

"I do not wish to do that, you can't force me, show me to my room". she asked the maid assigned to attend to them and she Hurriedly went before her and let them inside..

"Where is Lucian, she is supposed to be here to atleast welcome his guests". the king complained

"No my king, I know your words are always right, but I protest my king, Lucian is the man and they should greet him first, he is busy resting, at his convenience he will come out and meet them".

"I hope so, because this people are very important people and need to be attended to peacefully with love and care".