Mariah stood and left her chamber but Aron saw her coming out from there and walked up to her. tapping at her back she reversed flabbergasted.. "Aron you scared me, gosh!".

she frowned.. "I'm sorry if I did, I'm just wondering why you coming out from princess Anastasia's chamber I guess the prince won't find this news funny".

Mariah rolled her eyes speechless she can't defend the princess and wouldn't even dare lie to Aron.. "Please soldier don't let the prince know about this day I saw princess lieing on the hallway struggling in pains I guess she was beaten up or something so I ran to help her before some other maids tagged along but she asked to see me after then".

Aron smiled. "Don't be afraid Mariah I hope you protect your prince?"

"Yes soldier". she curtsied and Aron walked away leaving her behind and she took quick step out of that place...

...Back to Louisianas....