Just let me have you

Eunice pov..

My eyes met with his, his dark eyes stared through my soul and gave out pure emotion as if s

he could tell all that happened to me and all I was feeling his dark long hair were neatly packed in ponytail and despite the fact that I want to be rude to him I still want him to love me I can only kiss him couple of times I found myself thinking about him and wild imagining if I could kiss his lips.....

"Rachael". He said adopting a softer tone and whipping away my drooling with his thumb "What are you doing to me?"

"What?" I said confused, how can I want to kiss this monster that took my innocence away he made me bitter, I'm in conflict with my family for the first time since I was born because of him but here I am longing for his kiss... He grabbed my waist and pulled me down on the bed with him on top of me. He laid so our bodies were perfectly aligned, but most of his weight was held by his arms as to not crush me..