The Beauty and the handsome prince

immediately they went a bit far from the house Eunice eagerly waited to hear him speak. "Why are you here?" she asked.. "is the prince with you?"

Yes.. that's what she was afraid of she expected him to tell her he sent to bring her or something else.. "N.... she was about screaming loudly when Aron moved briskly and stopped her by placing his arm oh her mouth... "Becareful do you no not what you're doing?"

"You tell me to be careful? for what.. where is my prince...".. she said in agonizing whisper..

Eunice broke down in tears.. "Don't cry my queen so know one will be suspicious.. nothing has happened to the prince he will be back soon.. I'm just here to confirm if he stopped by at your place don't be afraid he can't be hurt easily you should no him very well by now"..

"I pray so".

she said whipping her eyes to avoid her sister and mum being suspicious of anything... "Now go back in there and relax he will be back".