Elena and the stars

At night they think the stranger is sleeping in his room not knowing every night he strolls around the kingdom checking everything that night he was sitting inside his room when Elena's step mother came in... "Jayden I hope you're alright because I can't stand you feel any form of discomfort". Lucian hissed he didn't like seeing this nuisance... "It's fine". he responded and looked away that isn't welcoming she noticed and put his lantern on he didn't ask for that... "You don't have to be in darkness".

"Thank you".

Lucian thanked her and she stride towards the bed and squatted before him.. "I know you have been starved... your friend has gone hunting Tonight and Elena is watching the stars outside nobody will disturb us". she touched his body and Lucian glared at the movement of her hand.. "I'm really lost here madam".

"Common you know what I'm talking about". she undid her wrapper and Lucian smiled. "Alright alright.. put that back around your body".