Entry of hero in story

Ahad POV:

Hello sexy ladies and cool boys.I am Ahad Reza Mir, one and only son of Reza Mir and CEO of R&M corporation. I am very serious about my business.Its my dad's dream to creat this Corporation and wanted to reach in the highest level of success . So now I try my best to fulfill his dream. And I think within 3months I can do that.

But don't you think me as a very good boy. I am the famous playboy in my city. But girls drool over me.And I enjoy their body very much.Yes I am a sex addict. Without sex I can't spend my day. But I have no girlfriend. Cause I don't like have sex with the same girl who I used ones.

I don't believed in love.My dad loved my mother more than anything in the world even more than me. But that woman leave my father for another man.The only cause was that time my dad was poor. So she leave him just for money. For that day I don't believe in this word love.Its just some kind of bullshit. And those are fool who believe in love.

Its been one year my dad left the company in my hand for his poor health condition. I crushed myself everyday cause if I didn't argue with him that day he maybe not going through this pain. Maybe he now sat on this chair now.

I was in a bar enjoy with a slut and I got the call from my best friend Zahid Ahmad that my dad admitted in hospital.When I get in the hospital room I saw my dad was talking with one little girl.First I think she is a school girl.But when I saw she wear doctor's coat than I got to know that she is a doctor & that make me quite surprised cause such a little doll being doctor is quite surprising for me. And here my dad smile with her every word. He looks so happy after one year.I just stand infront of the door & don't go near him cause I know if I go now he don't smile anymore. From the day of our argument he didn't talk with me properly.I don't know what she is talking about but my dad is hell happy with her. I don't know why but I thought if I marry her and she started living with us than my dad will be happy like this every day. But in next second I brush out this crazy idea of mine cause I don't want to get married.

I am in my own world of thought when I saw my demon dad (for me) spread his hand like a baby for one hug from this little girl.And she also happily hugged him and kissed him on his cheek.I don't know why but at that time I also want to hug her and kiss her.But again I drop my crazy idea. Than I goes near my dad and clear my throat. Than my dad notice me and that little girl also look at me but its just a look.Than she again started her bhabha talking with my dad and told him that today her professor allow her to assist him in the surgery so she have to go now.Than she said bye to my dad leave the room.

And all the time I just looking at her never blink my eyes. Yes you heard me right never blink my eyes once. Cause she is so beautiful. I mean so so so beautiful. I never saw a beautiful girl like her. When I look at her like I saw my favourite food and want to eat her right now but before I got into my deep wild thought I heard my dad angry voice.Than I look at him with confusion and he said to me "Don't you dare to look at my princess with your lustful dirty eyes. Don't you dare to hurt her. I love her and I don't allow you to think anything dirty about her.So stay away from my princess."

I was hell angry & shocked with my dad words. How can he think about her like this. I mean he can chose any girl for him but why he want her.I don't like this idea of my dad.She is to young for him and how can she agree with him. Must be for his money.Yes yes she must be a gold gigger.

Than I asked my dad," You think she love you?" And de said yes, she love him more than I love him. Hearing this I was brust out.

"Dad are you out of your mind. Do you think she love you? Than you are so wrong. Cause she is a young girl and why she want to be with a old man like you. She just used you and your money.

But dad how can you involved with a gril who is younger than your own son." After saying that I left the room without hearing anything from my dad.

I was so pissed of and just walking in the hospital corridor and bumped with someone. Without thinking twice I scolded that person loudly "Are you blind or what?" Than I saw she is standing infront of me and fully covered with blood.Just seeing her in cover with blood I was worried and I want to ask her is she ok.But before I ask anything she say sorry and walk from there. Sorry my mistake no no not walk she literally ran from there.