Entry of heroin in story

Nabia POV:

Hi, all lovely homo sapiens. I am Nabia Khan,daughter of Shuab Khan and Zaya Khan. I have a lovely family. My elder brother Nabil Khan and elder sister Zanbi Khan.They both are helping my father in his business.

But I have no interest in this business at all. I love to study about human body.This are very interesting. I am completed my MBBS and now I am an intern doctor in a famous Hospital in America. With in an one month I will be completed my internship and become a real doctor.Pray for me guys.But there is a little secret I want to share with all of you & that is I also completed my MD in business management.

Are you all surprised & also thinking about how can a person studied in two sector at the same time.But don't be worried I am gonna tell you about this little secret of mine & except my family members nobody know about this & from the starting I am strictly forbidden to talk about it with anyone.So the fact it that I want to study medicine but my dad wanted me to study business so that I can help him in future but I was so stubborn that time than my dad agreed about my medicine study but he give a condition with that & which I have to fulfill if I want to study medicine. And the condition was I also have to study business at the same time when I am going study medicine. First I freakout but when my dad explained me clamly that if in future our company need me than what will I gonna do.If I don't get any knowledge about business than I can't help them in any unfortunate incident occur. So after hearing my dad concern & seriousness of the matter I got my admission in both medicine & business. In day time I went to medical college & in night my dad arranged for special class for me from the business department. So like that I completed my both sector at the same time.And for some security perpose my family never expose me infront of the outside world.And like that I become the 3rd mysterious heiress of the Khan Group of Industries.

One year ago I meet with a patient. He is now my best buddy. I love to spend my time with him. He is so lonely that make me sad evertime whenever I think about him. He love me so much & always called me his Princess and I called him handsome.

Today also he come to hospital for his regular check up. So I finish my duty and hurriedly went to meet with him. Here he is comeing with a very sad face.I really don't like to see him like that.

"Hello handsome.What's the matter now? Why are you looking so dull?You ok na."

"Nothing Princess. You know na I want to talk with you but you have no time for your best buddy now huh.So beside being sad what can I do."

"Ok ok.My bad.Actuely you know na its my last month of internship and that professor of mine give me a very hard time handsome.Today I beg him to give me just one hour off so that i can meet with you & talk with you.So please don't be sad na."

"Ok ok. " he replied me with a smile in his face.

"Now tell me how is your health?.All good na?"

"Yes yes all good."

When I talk with him I get a message to attend a surgery with my professor after half an hour.I am so happy seeing this butheard someone voice which make me back to my sense.Than I just lift my head to see who. Than I saw a very good looking man standing near handsome bedside and looking at me.Actually to be frank I know who he is. He is my handsome's one and only playboy son and all the reasons of handsome's bad health and bad mood.I really want to scold him very badly for ignoring his dad but right now i am in hurry & if I late nobody can save me from my mentor.

So I said handsome that I have a surgery to attend right now and I have to go now.I said bye to him and take my leave.

When I went to my professor's cabin he told me to go and prepared the patient for surgery with his assistant doctor. Its a accident case and for excessive blood loss the condition is very bad.I go and helping other doctores to checking the patient and try to stop the bleeding and in this process my dress also stain with blood but right now I don't have time to care for that.Life is more important than anything.

After temporarily stopping the bleeding we shift the patient into OT and I went for change into my OT dress in a hurry. At the time I bumped into someone. Before I said sorry he shout and said are you blind.I really pissed off by his behavior. But now I have no time to waste with him otherwise today I give him a piece of mind. So I said sorry to whoever he is I don't know and walk away from that place.

Surgery is successful. Actuely my professor is one of the best and talented Surgeon in the country. He is strict and rude but a very good doctor.I really respect him a lot.And by the way his name is Dr.Habib Islam and for all of your konwing he was my childhood crush.Yes yes I know he is 10 years older than me but I have a very bad crush on him.We know each other from our childhood.He is my dad's best friend's son.

All my family members know that I have a crush on him.Actuely his family also know about that and he also.But he never talk with me about this expect our professional life.I think he always concider me as a child. So he never talk about this matter with me nor he make me felt embarrassed.And for your kind information he is married already. So don't pay any attention in this matter guys.