
Ahad:Woahhhh.She is really something. She scolded me.The great Ahad Reza Mir is scoled by a little angel.And here I am smiling like a maniac after I scolded by her.

I am madly love with you baby.I really can't wait for that day when you are willing to be mine, only mine.

Just wait some more day baby.I am planing something which surprised you. While thinking about my plan an evil smirk come into my face.

Baby what can I do? You are driving me crazy. When I was busy in my thought about Nabia then I saw a boy hug her and my blood started boiling. What the hell?Why she allow this guy to touch her?

Nobody have the right to touch her.She is mine only mine.Wait baby you really need to get a punishment .Than you understand who you are belongs to.

Oh my god this guy is none other than her so called fiance Zain.I just hate this guy.Why she like him so much.I get all information about them & their relationship .They are childhood bestfriend. Their marriage arranged by their family. Later he proposed her and she also accepted him.

And also she have a crush on her professor. She don't love him like lovers do. She just admire him.But still i am very jealous.

Baby just pity on me ok.How can I will manage with so many love rival?And about your so called fiance just wait & see what I do with him.

What the fuck man?Why this bastard hold her hand and kissed on her cheeks?I just can't take it anymore.

I go near them and called her name.

And she look at me and asked what with irritation.

I am feeling so hurt.Why? She always talk with all the people so sweetly but with me she act like I am waste of time for her.

But I love her and so I tolerate all her tantrum. I told her that I have plan something for dad and I need her help.

First she don't give me any response but when I insist her just for dad sake than she agree to come with me and said to Zain to wait for her.

Than she come with me and I take her to my room.

"Whose room is it?"she asked.


"Why you take me in your room?Just tell me quickly what you plan for handsome I mean for your dad."

"Hmm I will tell you after I done with your punishment."

"What the hell are you talking about?What kind of punishment? What I have done?And who the hell are you to give me punishment?"

She than want to get out of my room.Before she get out I hold her wrist and close the door.And she got really angry.But what can I do.I am jealous and I cannot control my desire for her anymore.I love her. I want her.But she don't give a damn to me.I cann't tolerate it anymore.

"Leave my hand.I said leave me." she started screaming.

"Why?I don't want to leave you.Why this Zain touch you and why you allow him to touch you?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?Who are you to asking this ravish questions to me?Just leave my hand."

"No. I am not gonna leave you.You answer me first.Why you so irritated by me?You are so happy this Zain but whenever you see me you are irritated by my presence.But why?"

"Just listen to me very clearly ok.He is my fiance not a random person.So don't talk about us like this.And I respect your dad thats why I tolerate your this kind of behaviour today.And you are right I am really irritated by you.You are such a playboy. Whole city know about what kind of person you are.Even your dad also warn me about you.Now you told me is there any reason to feel good when you are around me. You just want to fuck me.I know your intention very well.But this time you are messed with a wrong girl.So just go & find some bitch who want to with you in your bed and fuck them.And for your kind information I am not a bitch who want to fuck by a playboy like you.So just stay away from me. And now fuck off."