Woh! This sword is so damn intriguing! Let me imagine myself kicking asses of all the villains of this universe just the way I saw in sci fi movie." Florence closed her eyes and an illusion came over her vision where she was dressed in 18th century's complicated dress with the glorious light emitting sword in her right hand while the left one on her waist. Her eyes were bloodshot or as she imagined so while dangerously glaring at the biggest recent villain of her life who's none other than the vampire Lord aka monster king who was shivering in fear under her gaze.
Florence was enjoying the view, her dream to see the great vampire Lord shivering under her control was being fulfilled though it was just her imagination. But the joy of view was too much to care about it being a dream or reality.
"How dare you torture me? How dare you to order me and treat me like your puppet?" Roared the great empress Florence.