Why on this earth does every one have bad timing? Othneil is the person who ruined my moment with her again like the most of the time and again I cursed him for ruining my kiss with my little Precious.
I asked her to remain focused on her goal while I left for the court still cursing that fool brat. I entered inside the court and I smelled something which intrigued me, I wanted to run and kill them right away who disturbed my mood to the great extent.
Everyone present there bowed to me till I gained my position on my throne. I signalled everyone to take their seat and everyone sat bowing to me for one more time following my order.
I signalled Othneil to initiate the case and he started speaking after bowing to me!
"My Lord, with the right of being Lord of defense its my duty to look after the defense and security of the Vampire Clan, I am initiating the matter of the Court, which needs your attention.