"G r a n d p a...."
San excitedly shouted as she saw her grandfather waiting for her on breakfast.
It's been a long time since the old alpha ate with his pack members due to his deteriorating health.
"Y o u.... l o o k... h e a l t h y... t o d a y."
San kissed the cheek of her grandfather and sat on the table.
She start eating her breakfast when she saw Earl entering. Earl gave her a smile and sat beside her.
"H o w... w a s... y o u r... d a y?"
San whispered in her ear while she smiled shyly.
"I t... w a s... g o o d."
"G o o d?" San raised her eyebrow like girl you had a big fat crush on him and it's just good.
Earl giggled.
"I... c a n... n o t... b e l i e v e... t h i s... b u t.... I... a m... a c t u a l l y... d a t i n g... a... v a m p i r e.
H e ... i s... s o... c u t e."
San chuckled as diverted her attention towards her grandpa who was talking to Smith.
Smith was going back to his pack as the Moon Worrier already had their Alpha.