San grabbed the big metal circle and pushed the door. She looked around the temple knowing that it belonged to Gaura, the judge of reincarnation and the wife of angel of death.
"Y o u... c a n... d o... t h a t."
She walked inside while looking a t the surrounding.
The environment felt serious making her more confuse.
"W h o... a r e... y o u... a n d... w h a t
.... a r e.. y o u... d o i n g... h e r e?"
She was startled to hear the voice behind her and nearly jumped out of the fear.
She turned towards the voice and saw a young and graceful lady with a deadly look on her face.
The voice that came out of her mouth did not belong to the golden wolf but to a puppy.
Gaura scanned her making the poor girl more scared.
San gulped and decided to run away but she could not.
"S t o p... s c a r i n g.. t h e... l i t t l e... g i r l."
Dawes walked towards them and waved his hand in Gaura's face who rolled her eyes.
"I... h e a r d.. y o u... m a d e.. u p... w i t h