With Him

After returning from the long tour, she met a bouquet in her office desk and creased her brows then picked the telephone to call for the manager.

" Do you like it? Came David's solemn voice as her eyes darted to him knowingly.

It was nothing new but she thought he had given up. She had made herself clear that she wasn't in the market.

" David, hi. I wasn't expecting you" she spoke dropping the telephone then took a seat.

" I figure you would be lonely and devastated after what happened four years ago. So, I came to take you to dinner" she hummed folding her hands.

" I'm fine on the contrary. I'll leave soon. I'm sure he'll be glad to grant me a divorce. You don't have to worry about it. He must hate me more than he did years ago" she said bitterly which amazed David who narrowed his eyes wondering what was going through her head.

" I don't think you understand Alvin Reagan isn't someone you can contend with alone. You need me" he retorted getting agitated at her.

" We've talked about this and I made myself clear when I said I don't need your help with Alvin. My battle with him is personal. He owes me a son. My son's life. So let me deal with it. You better return to the state if that's why you're here? She said emotionlessly swiping through her phone.

" Yes and no. You know I care about you. I'm here because I have got a contract to sign. All thanks to you" Kate waved him off surfing the latest news about Alvin Reagan. That's what she has been doing for the past four years tailing him and to think he was losing everything while Cynthia resolved them had her.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry but she knew she wasn't happy until he returns to the scrub penniless for killing her innocent son.

A son he deliberately brought into this world then ordered for his death like he was the dictator of life. She wasn't going to rest until he pays for it.

" Congratulations. You're among the top ten richest men in the world unlike poor Alvin" David raised his brows awaiting his position in the ranking.

" Well, well, aren't you the curious one" Kate stated. She didn't care if David was using her to get to Alvin's partners but she was glad to do it as long as it'll hurt him like she has been hurting for years.

" He came seventh. I guess you have to up your game. Cynthia is getting to you. Just imagine when Alvin gets on his feet" Kate taunts scribbling something on her iPad.

" What number am I? For God's sake Kate, go out with me. Let's spread some rumors that could work. We agreed to make him pay for hurting you remember? He coaxed.

Kate looked at him sternly and leaned on her palms. Pretending to date David Wilson wasn't something she wanted. She wasn't concerned about her dignity but it just wasn't her so she shrugged.

" Or I can deal with Cynthia for you. I know I'm a resort owner with the cooking stuff but she's damn interested in my hotels. Man, I'll be glad to have her" David was immersed in staring at her plump lips, mesmerizing face, and her sexy collar bone. He had other ideas. Kate Patterson was a woman to die for it's a pity, he wanted both.

" Or you get to meet him. I'm sure you'll knock his senses out. Let's see if his feelings are real? Kate was lost at the part where he mentioned her meeting him.

" I'm not going to show myself to him to please you. I want to do so on my terms. I prefer the element of surprise" David nods in agreement. Whatever rides her boat.

" Yes ma'am. Now, shall we? I'll love to have dinner with you. Not here" Kate's eyes lingered on his cute face then her iPad and nods.

" Why not? I've had a hectic day" David helped with her bag pointing to the door.

" After you", she rolled her eyes at him and took a step forward.

" You know I don't like surprises right?

" It's not a surprise. I just want to do something good for my woman" he joked but she didn't take it likely as she halts to face him which had him in surrender.

" Alright, I know. It wouldn't kill you if you are"

" I'm a married woman David. It doesn't matter if I love him or not. I'm still his goddamn wife. So I'll appreciate it if you'll stop making irrelevant advances at me. You and I are too different"

" But you fell for that two-faced punk" he stated

" At least he did something to earn it while you on the other hand just want some benefit from rendering help to people like me. Just imagine how wealthy you've become since Alvin ghost out of business. You're among the top ten for goodness sake with my help. Good night David. I've lost my appetite" she uttered walking out on him while David stared at her and frowned wondering how Alvin won her heart in the first place.

She slammed the car door angrily wiping her face in the process then drove off. Life has been hell for her since day one. The memories of losing a son had rendered her depressed and angry but she wasn't that damaged to fall for David's advances. She was done letting men dictate her life.

Agitated, she stepped on the brake pedal driving faster then passed Alvin's car on the way thus Colt and Alvin looked at each other in shock.

" Tell me you saw her? Alvin confirmed as Colt nods

" Maybe we were hallucinating. We've searched everywhere for her but found nothing. I don't think it's her Sir" Colt replied.

" Keep driving. I don't care about that bitch. I just want to know if I was seeing things" Alvin replied leaning back on the seat flatly.

" Tell Lisa to take Quinn to my mother's. I'm not ready to take chances" he spoke recalling she can't hide forever. There were possibilities for her return and that's for a divorce: something he'll gladly accept.

" Yes sir," Colt said putting Lisa on the phone to relay the message.