What have I become?

I smiled at myself. This was not a smile where I felt happy but self-hate. I hated my first life for being clueless.

Unable to see the true face of those who held so much maliciousness for me. I had given them my trust, love, and care.


What did I receive?

I hated my second life for also being clueless, but also for hurting someone who did not deserve it.

The second life where I had… where I had loved him with my soul, heart, and once we were married, my body. What did I get?

I raised his wild child. Forced to love it because it was a child I can never have, a child who grew to be filial to me.

My heart hurts now thinking of the child who grew into a young man and died because of me. The husband? I scorned him my entire life, but it had all been a lie.

The friend and sister I trusted most in that world were—all a lie!

Was my life not like some dog blood book?

Was it not similar to those books I had loved to read?

Am I not pitiful?

When a story is told, it always begins like this; There once was a...

Once is always within.

Until recently where everyone had a quirky beginning to draw their readers. I lay here and wonder if my story is to cover some heroine. If I should just continue taking the abuse.

I mean, I want a happy ending too. It does not have to be traditional, but I want it to be. I am sick and tired of the abuse; deceived over and over. Tired to the point I want to reach out to death and beg him to take me.

My duty is to protect these things that hate me so much, but I grow tired. Is this life a story as well?

For me to be a stepping stone for the heroine and the hero? I had no desire to bother with this. The pig can deal with them.

I forced that original part to step fully forward. Slinking in the back to try and process the confusion I now felt.

Nay, it is simply too much. The information must be processed.

When next I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the damp earth. Blood dripped from my wound, and I was swinging from a tree. How did I even get here? Was I not just among my kind taking the abuse?

Suddenly there was a low howl, the scent entering my nose was of a wolf. I shivered. Fear snaked up my spine to drill into my hearts.

How I ended up like this, is unknown. All I knew is; that wolves are not friends with pigs. Yet I felt that in one of my lives I had been a wolf, not truly but one nonetheless.

Struggling to free myself, I bent my body in half and used my sharp nails to cut the vine. After trying for some time, I was finally free. Falling, I landed on my back with a thump that knocked the wind from my body. The wounds that had already partially healed seemed to have been split by that blow causing me to release a pained squeal. Shaking my head, I ignored that. The pain before had been much worse this is nothing.

After convincing myself, I scrambled to my feet, preparing to run away.

After a few failed efforts, I finally stood unsteadily upright and ran. As I moved, I heard the low snarl of wolves, the slight reeking of blood and then the howl. It seemed closer. My nose flared, while my ears twitched from fear, the tail was tucked between my legs. The instincts of a pig.

Continuing forward, I heard a sound that entered my ears with odd familiarity.

So focused on getting away, I did not notice that I fell into another trap.

A vine snatched me up, one of the many hidden traps laid by the sows of my Kur.

Dangling in the air, I swung from left to right. The blood immediately rushed to my head, making my head dizzy. Vision blurring I felt my conscious waver until I heard almost familiar words enter my ears.

"Little pig, little pig..." The voice was beautiful, seducing me to be calm, but I knew all too well that this was the way of the wolf.

They are those who would hunt and devour us. Or use us for something else. I shuddered, struggling even more to free myself. I wish I was as strong as a boar, then I would at least have enough strength to defend myself. The snarl and snap of jaws, caused my hearts to stutter in my chest. Looking around, I forced myself to be folded in half quickly, lengthening a claw to cut the thick rope that bound me. Falling below, I scampered on all fours and ran as fast as I could once again, but felt weak, which made me slow. "Little pig, little pig..." the voice came closer, the low growls. With fear, I gained speed because of an adrenaline rush, suddenly rushing out. Claws exposed, I climbed the tree and jumped from one to the next.

Suddenly the forest which was blanked in shadowed darkness was given light. The once cloudy sky cleared, exposing the six moons. Looking up at the pale blue rays reflected from the moons high up I felt amazed. This is a rare thing. Something that happens every thousandth world cycle.

So lost in this, I did not feel the bone marrow pain until the sound of my bones snapping entered my ears. My teeth ached, falling out. My claw tipped hands became gnarled, the skin dared becoming a pitch black, vision wavered, forcing me to fall on my face.

A strange growl escaped from my lips, laced with pain.

Startled by all of this, I rolled, huddling in on myself as my body continued to contort, snap, twist and shift. A sob escaped from between my partially parted lips, trailing into a strange, low laugh.

What am I?

I questioned feeling fear, what have I become?