What big eyes you have...

[Hyena pov]

There was a beast in the Marsh. The paws, all six of them; four serving as the forepaws, two serving as the hind. The tail was bushy but not thick. Its length, as a whole, was half that of the wolves. The eyes were four; a single pupil that shone like a rare green gem. Surrounding it were two others and what should have been the whites of the eyes bled black.

The ears on top of its head were curved, yet tall. The muzzle was square, with a somewhat strong jawline. To the middle of its chest was a bright green gem the size of a man's fist. Surrounding it is slightly long fur giving the beast a majestic look.

You cannot deny that this beast had characteristics of the wolves but only by two points. The remaining eight were all of the guardian beast Hyena.

The beast parted its jaws, releasing a sound enough to cause all creatures; great or small, to freeze.

It was a laugh that was not filled with joy, but; warning, malice, and the need to inform those who are trespassing within the territory it guarded to flee. Even though the Hyena knew that this place is not the original universe it had guarded, it still felt that this place is one that it should protect.

It scented that enemies were within its place and snarled deep in its throat, inhaling to understand first.

The scent of wolves which left the residue terror from the part of its soul deemed pig.

As the scent of the wolves entered the nostrils of the Hyena.

The eyes narrowed, lips peeling back to bare fangs from the distaste it felt. The second was a somewhat familiar yet slightly unfamiliar scent. Yes, a scent that is quite enticing to such a beast, scent of prey. Prey, that was a destructive force.

Licking the muzzle, the guardian beast lowered its head and made a strange sound between a whimper and extended growl.

It’s ears flicked, magnificent form moving forward, one paw at a time.

'Little pig…' the wolves growled, distracting the Hyena.

A growl that struck a chord deep within it. When the memory rose to the surface, the Hyena shook its majestic head, releasing a low chuckling laugh. From the scent which was not inferior to the wolves, perhaps even better. The gaze fell in the direction of the wolves following its scent. Wolves, she disdained them. Wolves, the species that dared to harm it before, even though she had been trapped in that body they had ravished her and when those wolves tried to defend her? They were made an example of. The pain rose, but she was powerful. She is a guardian! A Hyena! She refused to allow the memory to cloud her judgement. That life is past. These wolves are unworthy.

Reaching within herself, the Hyena tried to gather her power, the power of a guardian freezing when she felt only… luck, and three other useless souls.

She really hated that she did not devour them before. Snarling, the Hyena heard the wolves again and smiled after remembering an olden tale.

'Little pig, little pig…' The Hyena bowed its head to look down on the wolves below, exhaling a smoky breath disguising its head and two forepaws. Raking her barbed tongue over her muzzle once more in anticipation, she spoke in the tongue that can be easily understood.

'What big eyes you have… Mr wolf.' Raising a forepaw she stepped forward while exhaling once more. The wolves released a yip from excitement, while the eldest spoke his own reply. 'The better to see you with, little pig.' A growl built from the Hyena's chest exploding outward.

One must know of the girl and the wolf. The very wolf who had taken her to the wolf clan after killing her grandmother of that world. The image had been ebbed in her mind for days after that, leaving her unresponsive. Back then, that side of her had no idea that one person could bleed so much. That an innocent woman could be treated so unfairly.

They had treated her like a pig!

So she hates the pig!





As a Hyena it is annoying to keep pretending to be a pig, furthermore being called and becoming actually one!

Another breath was exhaled much larger than the previous two. The four eyes twinkled. Deciding to ignore the wolves, the Hyena Guardian continued forward.

The Hyena felt extremely annoyed, the beautiful spotted dark green coat blended well in the greenery surrounding it. The eyes glowed, while the ivory teeth still bared glittered.

The body was abused by prey and the scent so intoxicating kept teasing it but it could not eat!

Why would it continue to be teased like this? The Hyena guardian released another laugh, tracing with a low, lengthy growl from deep within its throat. Deep within the forest, the creatures who heard it all froze. The three wolves who were following growled low but licked their lips. The eldest of the three had a deep look within his beautiful cloudy grey-blue eyes. His little pig had become a predator. If before, the brothers who had fought and lost their precious female had thought in a way she was unworthy of them. Now they thought she was more than worthy. A female that is theirs to claim, take, mark and watch as soon she swelled with their young.

The three wolves inhaled this foreign scent, nostrils flaring from excitement. Tails waving at a female who was much more powerful than a she-wolf. The scent which should disgust the wolves caused them to release low yips in excitement.

The larger lone beast who did not belong to this plane shuddered but feared not. She knew very well that these beasts were beneath her.

For an existence like her, she was beyond their reach with her goal only to stand at the top and look down at those she was forced to protect.

Even if she had a slight attachment to these wolves that made her somewhat confused, she knew her duty very well.

The Hyena made a low sound unique to her kind, the dark green spotted fur blended well among the trees as she patrolled.

A moment later there was a blood-curdling screech and the strong scent of blood.

The middle wolf walked with the prey in his Jaws flanked by the two brothers cornering the Hyena female.

Looking at her closely the wolves found that she was not sleek like a she-wolf or plump like a sow. Her form was covered in slightly long spotted green fur. The lupine Jaws were larger and from the shape, stronger.

Those eyes were cold, void of any amorous feelings most female-kind carried unconsciously seducing unsuspecting males. Her hind legs were shorter, making her back low. The forepaws were longer, giving her a somewhat barreled look. The ears were rounded and perked on top of her head. Along her spine to the middle, the fur was longer, falling almost like a mane. And on her chest there was a gem shaped like a rare spade.