Dron felt the lungs in this body stutter, causing his vision to double for a moment.
The gods of this realm are truly a pathetic kind. He could change it, by modifying the body even more, but he would become weak. The gods were already eyeing his beloved. He had to be strong enough to keep her safe. He will never fail again.
He just hates that this body is so weak!
They do not differ from the mortal kind below who bred fast but died in a blink of an eye. Perhaps it is because their soul was immortal and the one who created their shell had no talent?
The gods of this realm, dubbed the main realm, lived long. For hundreds of thousands of years, just like this one. Pity they do not breed like their mortal counterparts the humans. Their power is OK. To be honest when he had arrived and taken over this body, it had been a struggle. Devouring him had been an honor he should be grateful for, and him therefore possessing this body. Well, just like the former thought.