
Just then, his emotion rioted, engulfed by her own. Rage, need, the urge to claim her. He wanted her so badly that it was gnawing at her. The emotions rose to the peak before they mellowed out, returning him to his full sanity.

Blinking, he thought of the species in the fairy realm he had before. None he had bothered to care for when he was in need. All he did was take what he needed and leave.

They had no choice either way because they were slaves and unworthy to stand equally by his side.

Except her.

His queen.

He, her king.

He will not be like those weak fairies ruled by their libido… his past self. These were the first thoughts in the mind of King Servos. His female lifted her head, greedily King Servos continued to watch her committing every minor detail to memory.

“You should be grateful fairy. For I have shown interest in taking you as my first consort mate. This shows you have strength in my eyes. Even if you are nothing more than a weak fairy.”