Her male

Servos felt his entire being become compliant.

This she-wolf; his Selena, woman, wife, mate, queen.

The titles filtered through his mind at this thought.

His gaze condensed, body, thrummed with the power that exploded within his inner realm; life sprouted.

The once mostly deserted inner realm filled with still water the source of his power stretching as far as the eyes could see. King Servos felt it surge, rising, forming a circular sphere.

The entire surroundings became dark with a vast darkness.

Before his eyes, a dot appeared expanding at a rapid pace condensing releasing a chill. King Servos, upon seeing this became utterly excited. This female is more than his fated. She is the missing part of his primordial soul. The bonding... His inherent power had accepted her. There was no way he could ever turn back from this. He had never thought he even would. All he could roar in his head is: MINE.