What mercy

I cut him off. “We are wolves. The fit survives. Those who dare to betray their alpha die.” I announced in a decisive tone. The wolf parted his lips and spoke, “I am aware but our—” I had no desire to hear his drivel, therefore I took it upon myself to quickly remind him. “You, more than me should be aware of our history. Should know that one weak link will cause the entire pack to crumble and fall.” A normal alpha would have reacted like the one I had killed not too long ago. He would have gone into an uncontrollable rage to force me to submit to his dominance.

Pity, sigh.

The alpha who should attack me because I challenged him on his territory did not react. He seems more like... Like an omega; shifty eyes, a slight tremble in his form and bowing his head. Where is the pride of a wolf? Furthermore, an alpha.