chapter 5 Kristopher?

i went back to my dorm and got fresh.

taking my black lenses off revealing my natural blue eyes i stared at my reflection.

Black skin,big eyes, straight nose, heart shaped lips.

what if i had an acne free skin?

i am not completely covered in acne but yeah my skin is not the smoothest and i go through a lot of trouble because of it. not as much as i went through for having blue eyes.

there is nothing wrong with having blue eyes but the situation is different when your skin color is black.

(No hate to black community. i love black people and they are extremely beautiful. this is nothing but mere description of how Jude looks)

I didn't had time to think about anything as my phone started ringing.

my bad mood immediately vanished as i saw the caller id

"Hey Derek!"

i picked up

"How's my love doing?"

he asked

"preparing for bed. how about u?"

"nothing much just working on some documents. have you eaten?"

"nah. i am not hungry"

well that was half lie. i was hungry but that walking trouble made it vanish.

i had enough of his shit.

Derek went quiet for a second before saying

"Okay. spill it out. what happened? why are you pissed?"

seriously how does he know?

one of the reason i am heads over heels for this guy is because he knows what i am going through even if i don't say anything

so i just told him everything that happened and he burst out laughing when i told him i kicked him where sun doesn't shine.

"wait aren't you angry?"

i asked

"For what? teaching a guy who was harassing you not to fuck with you? nah i am really proud"

i couldn't help but smile.

"What have i done to deserve you?"

that came out of my mouth without me realizing.

"Oh really" Derek said in a flirty tone.

Oh God! he would tease me till i go red.

"Ummm i an sleepy bye bye" i quickly hung up before he says something that makes me shy

throwing myself on bed it didn't took me long to fall asleep.

the next i woke up to my alarm.

well actually this was my fourth alarm.

i have at least 8 alarms so that get up in time.

getting up after stretching my body i lifted my eye lids only to find Lorah face just inches away from mine

screaming on top of my lungs i scooted back.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"No what the hell is wrong with you?"

her question not only confused me but angered me.

"You are the one scaring me in broad day light"

"Girl! how did you manage to get on top of the gossip charts in just one day?"

i frowned at her words and seeing my reaction she knee i didn't knee so she opened her mobile and showed me multiple videos of me.

from the deck to the kick.

everything was there which made my jaw drip

"You are on the top of girl crush list" Lorah said with envy

"woah....... these people really have nothing to do in their lives"

i said absolutely disguised and earned a hard glare from her

"Nice eyes Jude" she complimented all of the sudden

"Thanks" i said before getting up to get ready

"No wonder Kristopher pays attention to you. you are absolutely gorgeous"

She said which made me stop in my tracks


she looked at me as if i had committed grave crime

"you really don't know the man whom you nearly disabled from bearing children in future?".

"English please" i was already pissed and her twisted words weren't of any help

"The man from last Night. Kristopher Farmington.

the guy crush of entire university"