Chapter 6 be my girlfriend

"That walking crush of whole university ?"

I asked to confirm what i heard.

"did you seriously named the most eligible bachelor a walking trouble?" Lorah said in disbelief

but i don't give a fuck about what she believes or not.

what i give a fuck about is i messed with the crush of entire university.

not that i am afraid but i would be getting loads of unnecessary attention.

"i need to get ready"

i got up from bed and proceeded towards the washroom. just as i was about to close the door Lorah blocked the way with her foot.

"i think he likes you"

huffing in frustration while rolling my eyes i tried closing the door but once again Lorah prevented me from doing so

"He never spare a glance to anyone let alone start a conversation with them but not only did he..."

i wasn't even a little interested in her baffling do i just pushed her away and shut the door

"Brace yourself Jude. once he likes something he won't stop until he has it"

she yelled on top of her lungs

i didn't bother replying to her nonsense and started getting ready.

I wore a long white dress which reached till my knees and braided my hairs.

i put on some blush and tint on my lips and lastly my black lenses.

walking out i saw Lorah was about to leave too

"Why put on lenses?" She asked

"i don't like bring asked questions or compliments from strangers"

She made an o with her mouth

"Well try not to kill anyone on your first day"

She joked before leaving.

i also took my keys , water bottle and bag before leaving.

i could feel the stares and hear the whispers as i walked towards my class room.

all thanks to that walking trouble.

luckily i am an ace at ignoring people.

walking inside my class room i took the front seat and just as i sat down the guy next to me got up and left for the back

What the actual fuck!

ignoring what just happened i sat down and buried myself in books.

soon the professor came in and the class started.

since it was the first day the teacher didn't teach a lot and just like that another period went by

now i had another class before the break so i stopped by my locker before going into class

while i was collecting my stuff i heard someone clearing their throat

my face came face to face with Kristopher when i pulled it out of locker

"What?" i asked annoyed

"You hit me yesterday"

he looked pissed


"do you know....."

i didn't let him finish his sentence and said

"i am sorry. can you stop bothering me?"

He was taken back by my words but soon smiled.

i was thirsty so i started drinking water from my bottle when he said

"Be my girlfriend"

I literally spit all the water on his face and started choking.

"what the..." he said

great! there were a lot of people staring and gossiping but now i really don't wanna know what they would be doing

"i an engaged. stay away from me"

with that i stormed off fuming in anger .

what the hell is his problem?

he met me two days ago how can he propose?

i was burning with anger the entire time.

finally the bell of last period rang and i picked up my stuff and left.

Just as i walked outside the building the frown on my face got replaced by smile.

i ran and pulled Derej into a hug"Someone had a tough day"

"Seriously how do you know?"

i asked pulling away

"well you tend to hug me whenever you are in bad mood"