chapter 7 give up on yourself

"You are really observant" Jude smiled which made Derek smile and pull her closer

"Just hug me until you feel at ease"

"Thanks" replied Jude

"So this is the guy you rejected me for"

Both Jude's and Derek's head snapped towards the source of voice.

not so far away from them stood a very pissed Kristopher.

"What's his problem?" Jude gritted her teeth.

"what do you mean?"asked Derek

"even though he knows i am engaged be proposed me today."

"What did you do?" asked Derek with a grin on his face

"I was drinking water so i spitted it on his face"

Derek burst out laughing. To be honest he didn't expected anything less.

he can imagine what would Jude have done.

"Hey can you stop laughing?" Jude said

while this cute couple were busy with themselves Kristopher was burning with rage.

how could they ignore his whole existence?

Burning with rage he walked towards Derek and lifted his fist to punch Derek's face

but before his fist could reach Derek's face Jude grabbed his hand

"Don't you dare" she stared right in his eyes without blinking .

No one ever in his life stood up to Kristopher like this. the dominance Jude held was undeniable which compiled Kristopher to back off

"back off dude. you can't win her if she gives you that stare" Derek spoke with experience.

whenever Jude gives that stare you should back off immediately or you would forever regret what came afterwards.

Kristopher back away from the couple immediately.

Jude and Derek turned their backs towards him Kristopher ready to leave when Kristopher yelled

"Money,fame, power i can give you everything. just be my girlfriend"

Everyone gasped as Kristopher's drama had attracted alot of attention.

Jude closed her eyes and started taking deep breaths trying to calm her burning nerves while Derek tried his hardest to suppress his giggles

Jude turned around and stared hard at the Kristopher.

"You are offering what you can not what i want. sorry i won't accept"

"then what do you want?" Asked Kristopher

"Understanding, space, room for my growth, respect my boundaries and decision, support not financial not mental..... can you give me all of this? and don't dare say yes if you know you can't"

Jude's words left not only Kristopher speechless but the crowd too.

after some moments Kristopher was still unable to answer her which only made Jude sneer

"See.... you can't give me any of those then why should i leave someone who gives me all of these or someone who can't offer me one of these demands. "

With that Jude turned around and grabbed Derek's arm

before leaving she said

"what you have for me is either stubbornness or lust.

but definitely not love"

with that she walked away along with Derek with her

"Woah looks like you are the hot topic of the university"

Derek said

"Just a bunch of idiots who have nothing to do in their lives. now enough of them.

how have you been? how's your work going?"

"Work's a little bumpy. due to some problems the quality of our products was affected which eventually led to decrease in sale rate. "

Derek explained

" how about i visit you at the week ends to help with solving the problem? "

"I have already handled it but you know how hard it is to gain back customers"

Jude could feel that Derek was feeling a little low.

He was a lot like her. whenever he feels down hr could cling onto her to relax

Jude pulled him into a hug taking him off guard.

"You also relax yourself by clinging onto me."

Derek couldn't help but feel warm

it feels so good to be with someone who understands you.

they both walked for a while without speaking just enjoying the comfort of silence being with each other provided.

"It's late. you should head back" Derek said

"Derek do you want to listen a new song i wrote?"

Derek's eyes lit up. he always loved listening to her songs.


"Let's go somewhere we don't attract attention"

Derek rolled his eyes at her behavior.

it's not like he doesn't like her reserved and introverted personality. in fact he loves it but it is something which hides her actual potential from the entire world.

they both went towards a lake near and found a spot where no one was as Jude started singing

"hard off course it is but not impossible so why do you wanna give up on yourself?

gather yourself and prepare to run cause there are a lot of pages left blank.

what you think is E. N.D is actually A.N.D.

why you should consider if life not go easy on you. shake up, wake up the tiger inside you let life know you are not someone to mess with. all you need is to muster a little bit of courage.

you are so much more worth than are aware of.

hard off course it is but not impossible so why do you wanna give up on yourself?

gather yourself and prepare to run cause there are a lot of pages left blank.

what you think is E. N.D is actually A.N.D.

Push yourself little harder a little more.

the rainbow after rain is oh so magical. if the ends not great it's not end so just keep moving on

good days are not so far which you for long. you are so much more worth than you are aware of"

Just as Jude finished she found Derek giving her a huge smile

"It's really beautiful"





what do you think about the song?

i wrote it myself .