Chapter 72

Amaia Pov

“We call on the universe and the moon goddess who has given us a chance. And it has been decided whatever happened we were to accept it as our fate.”

My breath was deep, as I lay with my back against the ground. I was in the middle of a circle that was drawn around me. And the lamp of sacrifice was above my head.

I shut my eyes, after taking a deep breath.

I shouldn’t show that I was scared, I didn’t want to be scared.

“..cleanse us of the curse and let moonlight pack be welcomed into another dawn. The curse and the cure in one body we’ve brought towards you. We ask for your help!”

My dagger was in his hands. We were the only ones in here inside a cavern, the others were outside waiting until the seer was done so he would tell them when they would come in and take me away while I was asleep as he said.

“It’s gonna hurt. Shut your eyes.”

Because I’d opened an eye and was staring at him as he talks, shouldn’t he be staring at the sky while he talks why did he have us stuck in here?

I closed my eyes, awaiting the pains that I would feel when my dagger would strike my heart. I wondered if it would be my heart he would stab or somewhere else. It would’ve to my heart, right?

I didn’t know, I just had to wait for it.

“It’s gonna take you to another world Luna. Are you ready?”

“I’m a ready seer.”

“Free your thoughts. Don’t think of anything.”

I nodded and exhaled. My hands properly lay by my sides. I was ready now.

When the dagger pierced into my chest, I jerked forward and fell back again, my eyes popped out, and I let out tight gasps. And then he pulled it out. My back hits the ground again. And my eyes shut before my hands fell beside me.

“Is she dead?”

“At the brink of it.”

I told Creamy to stay with Zyair why was he here, because that was his voice? Why did he come here? To watch me die, the asshole.

And just like that, I couldn’t hear anything or see anything, and slips off. If there was blood, I had no idea because I didn’t even see any of that. The way I’d thought if it wasn’t how it had happened. And it was something I never wanted to experience ever again.

I opened my eyes, and I stare around, wondering where I was. Slowly I tried to stand up but my chest kinda hurts. I stood up nevertheless. Where was I? That is to find out because the place I was wasn’t all that familiar. I was lying underneath a tree. And that was all that was in here. Giants trees and flowers. And nothing else, then I remembered the dream I’d. This was the place, or rather how the place looked like.

I touched the flowers, wondering if they would dry up as they did the other time.

It didn’t!

I stare at myself, I was wearing a sleeveless white long dress. It was flawless not a single stain on it, it felt nice that I was wearing a dress like this, I’d never worn this kind of clothing and I would’ve never had the thought of wearing it. I spun around, admiring the cloth on me. It fitted me so perfectly.

I giggled as I ran around the place, all looking so beautiful and fascinating. With a smile on my face, I took a flower and adored it. Though it was all white, it never did get stained from all my running around. And for some reason kept me wondering what’s it all about but I couldn’t figure it all out.

The voices I heard made me toss the flower I held in my hands away and glanced around, where did the sound come from? It came again, filled with pains and agony.

I ran towards the path I heard it coming from, the further I ran, the more I was being drifted off away from the beautiful place that I was, the more I ran the more I was drawn away into some darkness, I place that was the opposite of where I’d been.

The cries were everywhere, they filled my ears, the screaming was painful and it was hurting my ears. I place my hands over my ears, the pain was endearing. I fell to my knees and blood was flowing out of my ears.

The piercing cries persisted.

“STOP!” I howled.

But it didn’t stop, while I was still on my knees I saw her, just the back view I was seeing, the gown was just like mine but was black. She fought with the wolves and how killed them roughly with just a single move.

I struggle to get up to my feet, with my hands still on my ears, even though I fell, I stood up again and dragged my feet up, walking towards her, whom I wanted to see. I wanted to know what was happening.

There was nothing but dark shades, drops of blood everywhere, and dead wolves.

“STOP!” I yelled. It was as if I was talking to myself, non of the wolves said a word, if they heard me, I’d no idea. Or if they saw me and I don’t know either but I kept on trying. I didn’t want to pull my eyes away from my ears. I won’t be able to bear the cries of the wolves, the agony was too much for it and it was making my heart bleeds.

I pushed myself further, but encountered a wounded wolf, I had to escape the wolf. I fell during my escape. Fell with my side and the wolf fell the other way.

My dress was stained from the hems not with blood but like it got washed into black color and was stained with it.

I pulled myself back up, this time my hands were off my ears. My hands were covered in blood. The cries were not as loud as it was before.

I stood there unable to move my feet and just watch her kill everyone.

“What are waiting for? Stop her!” The voice that I heard, sounded much like my father but he wasn’t there. Or was he?

“I don’t know how.” My voice doesn’t sound anything like me, it was scared and shaky which was nothing like me.

I started towards her, and when I was closed enough. I pulled her by the arm and twirled her around so I could see her face.

The girl, wearing the same gown as me with the color difference but now mine was stained with hers.

The girl whose eyes I was staring at, were devoid of emotions. All I could see was darkness. Her appearance was eerie there was blood all over her face and hands. I moved backward when I saw her. She looks so much like me. Where in the world I’m?

The girl killing everyone was me.

“You’re me..”

I didn’t expect a reply but she spoke.

“I’m not you, you’re a weak little wolf. Who I’m about to destroy just like every other.”

Now I understood what mother meant about the curse and the cure in one body.

This was me, the cure and that was the curse I’ve been fighting with along Dale. She was the spirit inside of the other me. I stare at my dress stained black. Hope it wasn’t what I was thinking.

“I’m gonna stop you, I know you. The spirit of Dale is in you. All you wanted is revenge but you won’t get it this time. You should’ve had your revenge when you’d the chance too.”

“You don’t know anything..”

I never expected her to come for me that way, with so much force. That swept me off my feet.